Practice (as research)

Witnessing Garden 404


interrelational practice

spatial & sensorial learning

note-taking & tracing

intimate pedagogy

site-specific artistic research

Witnessing Garden 404 engaged with pandemic transformations within educational resources, durations, protocols, and modes of evaluation. In collaboration with artists and educators, I've been building upon the problematic condition of hybrid learning, while conducting a series of collaborative experimentations at the community garden Volkstuinvereniging Streven naar Verbetering in Rotterdam. Employing our respective methodologies, we explored resilient modes of sensorial learning in disjoined environments of screen-based pandemic education. This journey activated learning as relating to the bounded Earth’s human and more-than-human beings, and essentially created a land-based classroom of a dialogue between theory and practice. We also looked into various self-organised happenings of arts, pedagogy, and activism that reclaim learning spaces in the city through gardening labours such as witnessing, broadcasting, resting, sprinkling, rooting, composting, etc.
Emerged collaborators and experimentation formats:
— 10 Limitations to Creating Our Freedoms – Freedoms that De- and Re-Structure those Limitations with Victoria McKenzie;
— Rehearsal of Empathic Learning with Robertina Šebjanič
— Witnessing the Petri Dish: Speculative Knowing with Saša Spačal
— Critical Plant Pedagogies with Jara Rocha;
— Situated Slow Reading group with Kate Price & Renée Turner;
— Slow Moving Praxis;
— Inventory of Research Gestures of Witnessing with Kari Robertson.

Pedagogical gestures:
— Guided meditation leading to a wording exercise, Zurich University of the Arts, Sept 2021
— Learning with Others, co-teaching with Renée Turner, Piet Zwart Institute, Sept-Dec 2021

Public engagements:
— Learning from the Garden, Learning with the Land, Piet Zwart Institute, June 2022

Project was supported by Creative Industries Fund NL